
Bobby Accessibility Summary Report

Bobby Section 508 Approved status

approved 508 These web pages do not contain any Section 508 accessibility errors that Bobby can detect. However, certain items require human judgment; these are listed below. Please review these items; if none of these apply to your site, it qualifies for Bobby Section 508 Approved status. For more information on the report, please read "How to Read the Bobby Report".

User checks are triggered by something specific on the page; however, you need to determine manually whether they apply and, if applicable, whether your page meets the requirements. Bobby Section 508 Approval requires that all user checks pass. Even if your page does conform to these guidelines they appear in the report. Please review these 7 item(s):
  1. If you can't make a page accessible, construct an alternate accessible version.
  2. Provide alternative content for each SCRIPT that conveys important information or functionality.
  3. If you use color to convey information, make sure the information is also represented another way.
  4. If this is a data table (not used for layout only), identify headers for the table rows and columns.
  5. Make sure users can skip repetitive navigation links.
  6. If an image conveys important information beyond what is in its alternative text, provide an extended description.
  7. If a table has two or more rows or columns that serve as headers, use structural markup to identify their hierarchy and relationship.
The following 1 item(s) are not triggered by any specific feature on your page, but are still important for accessibility and are required for Bobby Approved status.
  1. If a timed process is about to expire, give the user notification and a chance to extend the timeout.

Page index for each item

  1. If you can't make a page accessible, construct an alternate accessible version.
  2. Provide alternative content for each SCRIPT that conveys important information or functionality.
  3. If this is a data table (not used for layout only), identify headers for the table rows and columns.
  4. If you use color to convey information, make sure the information is also represented another way.
  5. Make sure users can skip repetitive navigation links.
  6. If an image conveys important information beyond what is in its alternative text, provide an extended description.
  7. If a table has two or more rows or columns that serve as headers, use structural markup to identify their hierarchy and relationship.
  8. If a timed process is about to expire, give the user notification and a chance to extend the timeout.